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if else condition in RRDI query

Naveen Chandani (4812022) | asked Jul 01 '12, 1:08 a.m.
edited Nov 28 '13, 2:36 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)
I have 2 columns in a query in RRDI (column a & column b). i want to insert a data item with the if else condition. The condition is if the value in column a is equal to column b then print no change else print the value of column a itself. Can you please help me with the syntax of this if else condition.I am facing difficulty with the else statement. It is not allowing me to print the value of column a. However if I enter some string over there, it works fine.

2 answers

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Anderson Oliveira Pinto (1701818) | answered Jul 31 '12, 5:01 p.m.
Hi Naveen Chandani,

You must to observe what kind of data you are printing.

For example:

     if the column A is a string

if (column A = column B) then ('1') else (column A)

    if the column A is integer

if (column A = column B) then (1) else (column A)

Note the quotes when you use a string column.

Naveen Chandani commented Aug 01 '12, 2:20 a.m.

How about a date comparison?

Anderson Oliveira Pinto commented Aug 01 '12, 10:56 a.m.

Try this

if ([Creation Date] > '01/01/2012') then ('01/01/2012') else ([Creation Date])

make sure that the date printed is a valid date

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Anderson Oliveira Pinto (1701818) | answered Aug 01 '12, 10:58 a.m.
Try this

if ([Creation Date] > '01/01/2012') then ('01/01/2012') else ([Creation Date])

make sure that the date printed is a valid date

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