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Insight - RTC SCM reports - only partial data in tables

VK L (8177157159) | asked Sep 05 '12, 1:44 p.m.
 Hi All,
              I have done SCM Reports - based on text file change metrics table in the warehouse. It does not contain the complete data for all the streams in a particular period. complete file-change data is missing for selective streams alone - though the stream names are reflecting in the list. Could be this any security setting issue that i am not able to view data for certain particular streams alone?

Say for e.g., i run this report for July month. it gives data for a set of streams. But from RTC, We can see that few other streams also have baselines and associated changes during July - but this is not reflecting from the warehouse - when i run the report.partial data associated with these few streams - looks to be missing

What could be the reason for this?Please advise.


Cathy Xu commented Jan 20 '15, 1:24 a.m.

Hi VK L,
Did you find the root cause of the problem and were you able to get all the data at the end? I have a customer reporting similar issue and wondering if you can share your story. Many thanks!

VK L commented Apr 24 '15, 5:45 a.m.

Hi. I didnt find the solution yet. Raising a PMR might help to fix this issue.


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Robert Huet (23113984) | answered Apr 23 '15, 6:52 p.m.
We are seeing the same thing.  It appears to be a problem with the way security is implemented in the Framework, because the data is actually in the Data Warehouse.

VK L commented Apr 24 '15, 5:44 a.m.

Hi. Raising a PMR might help to fix this issue.


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