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copy rrdi reports definition file

Naveen Chandani (4812022) | asked Jul 24 '12, 6:44 a.m.
edited Nov 28 '13, 2:36 a.m. by Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk (7.5k480103)
As a part of POC, I created the customized reports in RRDI and customized RTC process template. Now I want to migrate the report definition files to the production server. Can you please assist me.

2 answers

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Michael Fox (61643) | answered Jul 24 '12, 9:21 a.m.
The simplest way to move the reports to the production system is to create a report archive.  This is the how the reports shipped with CLM products are handled.

First, I'd put all the reports I want to move into a common Cognos folder hierarchy.  That will enable you to export them in one archive.

Get into Cognos Administration by selecting it from the Launch drop down menu in the Cognos Connection web portal.  Select the "Configuration" tab and then "Content Administration".

In the upper right part of the screen, select "New Export" from the toolbar buttons.  This will launch the export wizard. You can generally take all the defaults, just make sure you include the folder hierarchy you previously created with all your reports.   When the wizard completes, it will have created an archive zip file in the <rrdi install dir>/cognos/deployment folder.  It would be C:\Program Files\IBM\RRDI\cognos\deployment on Windows.

Copy the archive zip file to the cognos/deployment folder on your production server.  Go into Cognos Administration on the production server, select "Configuration" and then "Content Administration".  This time select "New Import" from the toolbar.  The first screen of the wizard should show a list of available archives.  Select the one containing your reports and go through the wizard taking the default choices. The wizard will import the folders and reports. Note that the root folder must exist on the production server or you will get an error.  Cognos will create any necessary child folders.

Exit Cognos Administration, refresh your Cognos Connection page and you should see the reports.

Mike Fox

Naveen Chandani commented Aug 01 '12, 2:21 a.m.

Thanks Michael...............That was a perfect answer!!!

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Anderson Oliveira Pinto (1701818) | answered Aug 01 '12, 11:19 a.m.
The Mike answer is perfect, but there is another simple way to do this.

Open your report in Report Studio (PoC server) click on "Tools > Copy Report to Clipboard"  select entire XML and copy (ctrl + c). Now, open a new blank report in Report Studio (Production Server) click on "Tools > Open Report from Clipboard" and paste the XML (ctrl+v). You can save or run your report in production server now.

This is a simple way when you want to move just one report.

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