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How to set "Owner" and "Tested By" of Test Execution Record in Automation Adapter?

Zenon Kluczny (1113) | asked Apr 16 '18, 4:53 a.m.

How to set "Owner" and "Tested By" of Test Execution Record in Automation Adapter?
I am using LYO sample and have noticed that both fields are set to username taken from adapter.properies.

My goal is to have "Owner'  and "Tested By" set to user who run the test (clicked play in RQM) not from file.

I have tried to use void addCreator(final URI creator) or void addContributor(final URI contributor) in AutomationResponse but haven't worked. Any help?

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Subhajit Bhuiya (6222) | answered Apr 25 '18, 9:33 a.m.

Lyo adapter uses AutomationResult to create the result. AutomationResult does not have property to set owner and tested by user. Instead you can modify the code and use TestResult by which you will be able to set both the property

Zenon Kluczny commented May 18 '18, 2:18 p.m.

Hi Subhajit Bhuiya,

could you give more info? 

I cannot find in API (TestResult.class) or here:
any fields responsible for "Owner" or "Tested by".

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