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RQM REST API Performance

Leesen Padayachee (9962120) | asked Mar 29 '18, 4:18 a.m.


I just want to find out if REST calls affects performance of the jazz servers? For e.g. If I write a small program to run over 100 REST calls at a time, will this have any affect the performance of the jazz applications.

Please note that we do have enterprise topology for CLM 6.0.4.


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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 29 '18, 4:34 a.m.

Are you saying that you want to issue 100 REST calls simultaneously? It doesn't sounds like a good idea to me. If you issue them one by one in sequence, I don't think it poses any problems at all, unless each call returns huge amount of data.

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