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set team area as mandatory field

yair shaked (13297) | asked Jul 30 '13, 7:12 a.m.

i'm work in RQM 4.0.3 when test artifact are assigned to team area and i would like to set it as mandatory field, is there such option ?

Diane Everitt commented Aug 07 '13, 9:56 a.m.

It appears this behavior may be achieved via the Eclipse client.  Please refer to the following in the Information Center:

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

One answer

permanent link
Rajat Singh (59833545) | answered Jul 30 '13, 7:29 a.m.

I dont think there is any flag to mark the team area as mandatory.

However, you may assign all your users to their respective team area.
Once this is done, the users will be able to save the artifacts only by choosing the team are from the drop-down as their permission would be limited to team area.

Any user trying to save outside their team area will encounter an error and hence will not be able to create the artifact.

Hope this helps!!

Best Regards

Rajat Singh commented Jul 30 '13, 7:31 a.m.

You may also refer the below article explaining the team area management in RQM.

Best Regards

yair shaked commented Jul 30 '13, 7:42 a.m.

  thank you for your answer ,
i'm aware of the permission issue , but the problem is when users leave the team area field as unassigned  and the test case for example will be in the general pool (available to all test plans) when that happen users on specific test plan can run search for test case and do bulk operation that associate all unassigned test cases to team area where he belong , and when this happen test case that are not belong to his team area will be assign as well , and this can cause mass , because users might try to located it and think by mistake that this test case have been deleted , 

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