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For Plugin Development which one is good environment :" P2 repo in Eclipse" or " RTC eclipse Client only"?

Kaushik Bhalerao (611810) | asked Jul 09 '12, 7:28 a.m.
I am Planning To develop Plugin For RTC 4.0.
For setting  Up Development Environment I have Two Options
  1. I have 'RTC 4.0 -P2 Repo' and 'Eclipse Juno 4.2' (Which is latest )
so I will Install P2 repo In my latest Ecllipse.
    2. Should I directly use 'RTC 4.0 Eclipse Client'?

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 09 '12, 10:13 a.m.
edited Jul 09 '12, 10:15 a.m.
@Guido, I am not sure I understand the restrictions in the answer. I believe I had more than one Eclipse Client installed on my machine using IM. As far as I remember IM warns you if a package is already installed. However it does not prevent you from installing, as long as you pick a different installation folder (or Eclipse to extend). This is by the way necessary if you want to install the IM RTC Eclipse client as well as install it into tools like RAD.

If you have installed the IM version, I think you should be able to P2 install or any other Eclipse way of adding other extensions if you like.

You can also use P2 Install into Eclipse, however, please be aware that at least in 3.0.x there was an issue with conflicting plug in versions or dependencies that came up after P2 Installing RTC into an existing Eclipse. This prevented you from installing other extensions afterwards. I am not sure if this is still an issue. This did not affect the IM install.

In general I typically use the zipped version of the RTC Client just for convenience. I have at least 7 of different versions installed in parallel.

With respect to plugin development I have so far used the zipped RTC Eclipse Client. Sometimes it is more convenient to use a P2 install, because that (like IM) gives you the ability to install into a newer Eclipse version. This can help if the plugin development has been enhanced. I have used that in the past too. 

Kaushik Bhalerao selected this answer as the correct answer

Guido Schneider commented Jul 10 '12, 9:49 a.m.

Your right Ralph. I tested today with the IBM and did two nativ RTC installations with the Eclipse within the RTC installation. V.4.0 and V.3.0.3. Both are working. Only warning that I will get a new application group.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 31 '12, 8:54 a.m.
Kaushik, you can find that out easily on your own. Please be aware that the getting started tab of a downloadable version always contains a link to the system requirements

This also contains the supported Eclipse versions.
Kaushik Bhalerao selected this answer as the correct answer

Kaushik Bhalerao commented Jul 31 '12, 8:55 a.m.

Thanks ! :)

3 other answers

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Guido Schneider (3.4k1491115) | answered Jul 09 '12, 8:17 a.m.

I prefer the p2 way, because then you can have different RTC versions installed in parallel. Just have multiple copies of Eclipse and different plugin versions in this eclipse copies.


By using th RTC Eclipse Client you can only have one version installed, because of Install Manager checks that.


This helps during upgrades etc..

Kaushik Bhalerao commented Jul 09 '12, 8:55 a.m.

Thanks for helping me Guido Schneider ! one more thing...... Please tell me, 1) can I Use P2 repo method to the "RTC Eclipse Client" (Which I installed By using IBM Installation Manger) ?
Is It Good Way ?

Guido Schneider commented Jul 09 '12, 9:09 a.m.

I don't think so. What's the benefit?

Another good thing with the Eclipse and p2 is, you can just ZIP the whole directory after installatrion and copy them to other PC's by simply unzip. No IM necessary. Fast deployment. But you should use a supported Eclipse version.

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Jul 10 '12, 7:01 a.m.
i also use the P2 approach.. I have an Eclipse environment that has a lot of plugins for developing web services, and other custom tools (perl editor)..

I would have to re-install those onto the Full RTC eclipse client.. not a lot of fun that way..

so I update my client with the p2 library instead..

Like Ralph, I do have the full eclipse client installed separately for use when testing different versions, plugins and such.


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Kaushik Bhalerao (611810) | answered Jul 14 '12, 4:12 a.m.
 Thanks to all For All The Valuable Conversation on my query.

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 14 '12, 4:47 a.m.

Hi Kaushik, can I ask you to accept one ofthe answer you found most usefull?

Kaushik Bhalerao commented Jul 31 '12, 8:48 a.m. | edited Jul 31 '12, 8:50 a.m.

Hi Ralph, Please tell me the supported version of eclipse for RTC 4.0 plugin development.and I will go through the p2REPO method.(Right nw m using Eclipse JUNO,I think its not good.)please suggest me as soon as possible.

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