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Share your top 5 pain points using RQM

Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | asked Jun 21 '12, 8:26 a.m.
edited Nov 08 '12, 12:37 a.m.
Please read on if you have used Rational Quality Manager (RQM) and want to provide feedback or want to share success story..

Please help us to serve you better by providing quality feedback on 5 top pain points (or things you like) specific to Rational Quality Manager or it's integration.

You can tell about e.g.
  • Feature Gap
  • Day to day Usability issues
  • Performance issues
  • Reliability issues
  • Complex feature to understand
  • Anything else
  • I would like if RQM could...
You can also share your success story using RQM.

Thanks for your valuable responses which helps us to serve you better

Anandeep Sidana commented Jun 20 '13, 4:19 a.m. | edited Jun 20 '13, 4:21 a.m.

1.Test reporting is biggest challenge, creating custom reports on diff attributes there is no easy way. This is posing to be a show stopper to adopt RQM across group.
2.Test case execution when done individually in test suite, there is no way to filter already executed test cases nor any filters
3.Same test case can be added multiple times in one test suite.when add from selected test cases to be added,user never know that test case is being added more than once, Quality center creates another copy and there are better filters.
4.Getting folks adapt using RQM is very hard to convince especially when its transition from one tool ( QC) to RQM being not as very user friendly.

Harish Kumar commented Jul 21 '15, 7:18 a.m. | edited Jul 21 '15, 7:19 a.m.

Is there a way to approve a test suite and by doing so, all the test cases and test scripts under that test suite get approved automatically?


Harish KN

22 answers

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Jul 07 '12, 8:08 a.m.
edited Jul 24 '12, 5:45 a.m.
Both RQM and RTC provides customization and the way they provides fits well in the context.
For Defect tool you definitely want to customize to create your own type of defect, define new attributes and own process for workflow and design your own presentation layer.
Whereas RQM being quality management tool, would not allow you to define new type of artifact but it does allows you to customize your artifact (Test plan, Testcase, Test Suite etc..). you can create template to define what sections you want in the artifact. you can add new section or remove existing section, Define new section. Besides this you can use multi value and multilevel "Category" to categorize your large set of artifacts in groups. Besides that almost all artifact provides support for Custom attributes which you can add. RQM supports  sorting, filtering and reporting on this customizations.

I would need your inputs to understand  what next level of customization is required besides existing one as mentioned above. Any usecase scenario will be really useful here.

Thanks for your input.

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Aug 28 '12, 1:30 a.m.
Thanks all for providing your valuable feedback on various aspect. Please continue to provide your feedback as we take your feedback into account.
I want to let you know that RQM development team is committed to address common pain points
Some of the high priority pain points are being addressed in coming release.

Many users were looking for screen capture feature in RQM as also pointed out in this thread and here it goes
Need to Capture Images for Manual tests (2855)

We also received common need for improving the data pool experience and it is being addressed as well
Test cases (with data pool) execution should allow you to select iterations (36728)
Along with that RQM will also supports your favorite category for datapool like it is supported for other artifacts
Provide ability to add custom categories to Test data which has been uploaded to RQM (39058)

I would encourage you to try early milestone release RQM v4.0.1 M3 once it is made available online and provide your any feedback we can incorporate.

Thanks All

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Hemmy Rex (1768) | answered Aug 28 '12, 6:29 a.m.
I have a major performance Issue. we recently upgraded to 4.0. share us the performance sizing guide to resolve this. 10 testers are executing 3095 test cases, and RQM performance is degrading and we are not able to complete even 10 per testers a day. if you can give the sizing guide or any tips it would be more helpful.

Pramod Chandoria commented Aug 28 '12, 7:12 a.m.

Hi Hemmy, Thanks for this information. Since performance involve multiple metrices, as a first step I would suggest to look at the system requirement documentation for 4.0. This release has started supporting Cluster and that has also impacted system requirements. Cluster feature team spend very good amount of time on just performance. I would like you to provide further details to the IBM support team if the first step does not help.

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James Paulus (20622135) | answered Sep 17 '12, 1:37 p.m.
Overall, RQM has saved us a bunch of time from when we were using Excel Spreadsheets.   However, there are some burdens that need to be cleaned up:
1) Having expected results put into the expected results column when using test case design.   We spend hours moving items over to the expected results column because there is no good way to get them there.
2) The ability to quickly get a set of test cases run that are failed or blocked.   I've put an enhancement request to fix this, but it is very cumbersome to add failed or blocked test cases to a test suite and test plan right now.
3) I have seen an enhancement for this and it should definitely be included: the ability to edit a test script while running a test.   What we've had to do is have a running e-mail chain going amongst the team about changes that need to be made.   Then, after a round of testing we go through the test scripts that have been identified and make the changes.
4) Ability to make a batch generation of Test Suite Execution records.   Currently, from the Test Plan, you can make a TSER, but it has to be one at a time.   It would be nice if you could do a set at once.
5) I understand that this is coming soon, but the need to skip certain steps when using a data set.   We'll often use a data set for field validation but there are several steps before the validated field that have to be gotten to before the validated field.   With the current design, the prerequisite steps have to be executed for each iteration.

Pramod Chandoria commented Sep 18 '12, 2:15 a.m.

Thanks James for your feedback, I will take note of it.

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Martin Knoll (531512) | answered Nov 08 '12, 5:13 a.m.
edited Nov 08 '12, 5:15 a.m.
1.) Test Suites: It should be possible to create (model visually) test suite, with multiple flows. Reuse the infomation out of the TC specification for pre- and post-conditions and automatically create the flow of a test suite based on this information. TC1 has be executed before TC2 and if TC2 variable x = "abc" then TC4 has to be executed after....

2.) It would be good to have out of the box typical role based dashboards and queries. (test author, text executor, test manager) This will save a lot of time setting a up a project and this will help the users to accept and use the tool faster.

3.) Screenshot utility in manual scripts is missing

4.) Test data should be associated to TER and TC and not only to the test scripts as it is now.

5.) Reduce the number of clicks as described in the answers before.

Pramod Chandoria commented Nov 10 '12, 6:18 a.m.

3.) & 4.) has been addressed in upcoming release RQM v401. You can take screenshot for any rich text editor in RQM.
Testdata now allows selection of rows at planning time as well as run time. Planning means you can specify at testcase level which rows of the testdata should be used

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Li Chen (11923742) | answered Nov 12 '12, 11:56 a.m.

1. We have way too many users to maintain by one admin and we would like each small team to manage the roles and permissions by their own. If we give a team lead less permission he would not be able to do it, too much will allow him to modify more than he needs.

2. There is no easy way to load users to team areas.

Pramod Chandoria commented Nov 12 '12, 12:32 p.m.

Hi Li
I agree with the pain point you mentioned above. These issues are applicable across CLM for RTC/RRC/RQM. I will suggest you to submit a request against jazz foundation

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stephen uridge (2645) | answered Nov 12 '12, 5:54 p.m.
Run multiple (automated) TER at once:
I have a test suite, it has 60 automated tests. Each test take 1 minute to run. I run the suite, 10 tests fail, a defect is logged. When the defect is resolved, what i want to do is re-run the failed tests, not the whole suite. I want to know in 10 minutes if the defect is resolved. 

For each TER I have to select and click run, and choose a machine to run it on. This is a painful process. What I want to do is select all failed tests, click run, and get a prompt like when running a suite, where i choose the machine for multiple tests. I don't want to create a new suite just for this defect verification. 

This is my daily pain point.

Pramod Chandoria commented Nov 14 '12, 1:01 a.m.

RQM 4.0 provides a feature to rerun only all non passed Steps of Test Suite. In the suite run dialog, there is a icon, which can skip all steps which passed last time. Besides that you can also select one by one all steps you want to skip.
See What's new in IBM Rational Quality Manager 4.0 for more details

Regarding adapter selection, RQM 4.0 now provides many exciting features to address the need for running large test suite with automation steps.
-> It selects adapters evenly for all steps,
-> Performance of bring test suite run dialog is greatly improved
-> Use Testcell to let RQM search adapter at run time. what you do is define a testcell and add all machine where your adapter is running and where you want rqm should look for availability of machine to run any of the suite step.

Pramod Chandoria commented Nov 14 '12, 1:02 a.m.

Besides that RQM 4.0 can also help you to look for the exact machine where test environment is same as specified in Test suite Step. See Automate tests without compromising coverage of the environment
for more details

Pramod Chandoria commented Nov 14 '12, 1:03 a.m.

If you still think that having capability to select multiple TCER and execute all in bulk is a needed feature, please submit request for enhancement
RQM New Defect

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manivannan sabarajan (14557) | answered Apr 23 '13, 7:36 a.m.
1. improve user accessibility to menus
    in some cases it takes more than 4 clicks to reach a functionality, i would expect to reach key features in 2  clicks
2. Separate integration features from the menu
  Have a separate menu named integration and move the features like RQM-RRC integration, RQM-RTC integration  links to these link.
3. Cross product search criteria
I had a customer asking for this functionality, at present he need to open up separate browser and type in the WI ID ex RTC and access it. If he could able to access it directly from RQm , it would be great.
4. RRDI reports
reintroduce live reporting capability for RRC & RTC in RRDI. At present customers find it difficult to upskill people in their team to build BIRT Reports for RTC and RRDI reports for RQM. If we have all these features with in RRDI , then the usage scenario will increase
5. Test Data creation
Reintroduce the test data generator feature that we had in "Rational Test Manager ". It was an excellent functionality that manual testes use to create test data for their tests.

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vinay kumar nukala (4236772) | answered May 24 '13, 2:16 a.m.
 Hello Pramod,

1. The integration with RQM 4.0.1 to doors 9.4 is big problem and still not yet resolved.
2.  Exporting test plans from word document to RQM. Copy and paste will take less time than exporting the testplan to write config file. It would be better if we can match them using GUI Interface. (Both in test cases and Test plans).
3. While Testers are exporting there test cases, they should be able to see only the test cases which they uploaded. Otherwise,  it is difficult  to execute the test cases.
4. I mean, in permission if we could have the visibility option.

5. While executing the manual test scripts we are not able to attach the attachments for actual result.
6.Reports should be more easily accessible, I mean without running the data collectors whenever required.  

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Leif Jansson (23134) | answered Sep 24 '14, 2:21 p.m.
Hi all
Most of the things posted have a solution in 5.0.
But some things don't, mostly because we use RQM agile and often not use a test script (not necessary doing Explorytory testing):
1. You can't see information from the test case when execution without test script.
2. You can't read requirement information when executing without test script.
3. Suspicious not working meaning the requirement changes, no flag at the linked test cases (only when they are in a test plan and you reconsile, not all other linked).
4. No templates for executing artefacts

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