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RRC - error message after login - The list of artifacts cannot be displayed.

Raz Dotan (2611013) | asked Jun 20 '12, 7:18 a.m.
When trying to log to RRC 4.0 RC1, I get this message.
The list of artifacts cannot be displayed.
ID CRRRW7611W  The server was unable to generate the list of artifacts in a reasonable period of time. Try making the filter more specific. For example, specify which artifact types to display, and try to open the list again. 

Any idea - I can't follow the instractions and modifng the filter becuase I can't login.

3 answers

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Robin Bater (3.4k47) | answered Jun 20 '12, 4:04 p.m.
If you cannot login, one reason could because you don't have a license, for example the trial license has expired

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VK L (8177157159) | answered Jun 20 '12, 11:47 p.m.
Are you not able to enter the RRC Home page itself? (or) is this error occurring while displaying the page after login?


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Nate Decker (37814761) | answered Jul 18 '13, 12:55 p.m.

I routinely get this message for a specific large module. Repeatedly reloading the page eventually resolves the issue. I believe in my case, it is related to the expected period of time for loading a given set of artifacts taking too long. The details for this error message are:

ID CRRRW7611W The server was unable to generate the list of artifacts in a reasonable period of time. Try making the filter more specific. For example, specify which artifact types to display and try to open the list again.

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