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omar gonzalez (643) | asked Nov 18 '11, 1:14 p.m.
I need print the test scrip in PDF formar but i have a problem with the images of the test script in some of them the images aren't in the PDF and in the others one they don't have their images
do i need configure some option or something like that??

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Michael Triantafelow (4513) | answered Nov 19 '11, 2:36 a.m.
I need print the test scrip in PDF formar but i have a problem with the images of the test script in some of them the images aren't in the PDF and in the others one they don't have their images
do i need configure some option or something like that??

Is it possible that you are encountering the defect: This happens when you copy and paste an image directly into a Test Script step (rather than using the insert image button).

If so, your options are to either upgrade to when it becomes available to pick-up the fix, or to remove the current image from your step, and use the add insert image button in the editor to reinsert it.

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