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Export form RQM to Excel by backup of teste cases

omar gonzalez (643) | asked Nov 18 '11, 1:18 p.m.
I want to know if it is possible export the test case and test scrip from RQM to EXCEL i only got export it from RQM to EXCEL but i need export them to excel because my project will be move of server and i will lose all in my project, and i want to do a backup

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Pramod Chandoria (2.1k11220) | answered Jun 19 '12, 9:48 a.m.
Hi Omar,
You can not move artifacts from RQM to Excel for backup. however You can do few things.
1. If you know there is another RQM server where you will be working onwards then use RQM's Copy tool to copy artifacts from one project to another
2. You can ultimately export data into xml using RQM's rest API. there is no straightforward tool to do it automatically. You can write your own script to GET data from RQM and save in xml files, These xml files you can later import into another project using same REST API.

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