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Configure jazz server to authenticate against Windows AD LDA

Mickey Roash (9021616) | asked May 24 '11, 3:14 p.m.
Hi ,
I am trying to configure jazz server to authenticate against Windows AD LDAP.
I am trying to map Jazz group to LDAP group .
I am using "Jazz Server Setup page" to do it.
I defined the mapping group like this:
JazzAdmins=SSMD_Dev.Rhapsody_Qa, JazzUsers=SSMD_Dev.Rhapsody_Qa, JazzDWAdmins=SSMD_Dev.Rhapsody_Qa, JazzProjectAdmins=SSMD_Dev.Rhapsody_Qa, JazzGuests=JazzGuests

when I using the "test connection" button I get this error:
The group name property "cn" is not valid or the group "JazzDWAdmins" could not be found in the LDAP registry.
The user ID property "uid" is not valid or there are no users in the LDAP registry.

Do you have idea what I doing wrong ?


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N Z (36212127) | answered May 24 '11, 8:32 p.m.
We had a similar problem, in our case, the AD groups (I think it was only the JazzAdmins, and maybe the JazzUsers) needed users in them.

This is assuming your you've set up your other configuration parameters correctly.

Also, if they are only warnings, you may be able to ignore them and continue. You'll need to make an assessment on whether this is appropriate. In one of our environments, we had a warning that one of the properties was not valid, but in our case it was safe to ignore. Sorry, I don't have the details on which property it was.

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