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Does Jazz Team server support SUSE Enterprise 64 bits ?

Christian Lague (652) | asked May 23 '08, 9:13 a.m.

We are building a SUSE Linux server for Team Concert, and wish to have 16G RAM. The IT folks told us we need 64 bits SUSE to handle that (32 bits limit to 4G), but the RTC release notes show only 32 bits OS supported.

Is 64 bits supported today, if not when it'll be ?


Christian Lague
Ericsson Communications Montreal

3 answers

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Aaron Cohen (8207851) | answered May 23 '08, 1:02 p.m.
I did a quick work item search and there seems to be a problem with the
licensing (LUM) on 64 bit machines (Defect 54394). This defect is set to
be fixed in RC3. RC3 is scheduled to be released soon. Does anyone else
in the Jazz Community know of any other problems with 64 Bit operating

lmcchla wrote:

We are building a SUSE Linux server for Team Concert, and wish to have
16G RAM. The IT folks told us we need 64 bits SUSE to handle that (32
bits limit to 4G), but the RTC release notes show only 32 bits OS

Is 64 bits supported today, if not when it'll be ?


Christian Lague
Ericsson Communications Montreal

permanent link
Matthew Jarvis (2411) | answered May 23 '08, 1:39 p.m.
Our own self-hosting server is a 64-bit Red Hat Enterprise Linux system with over 4 GB of RAM.

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James D'Anjou (20111511) | answered May 23 '08, 2:57 p.m.
To officially declare RTC to be 64 bit ready we have to meet a number
of requirements and test on a set of 64 bit configurations. At this
late stage in the RTC 1.0 product cycle we cannot complete all the
necessary work. We anticipate that we will get there sometime after 1.0.
However, we have made good progress on the Red Hat Linux platform. You
can try running in 64 bit mode on your configuration. In this situation
the usual disclaimers apply. Use at your own risk. If you have an
issue that is JVM related we might require you to reproduce the problem
in the supplied Jazz Team Server 32 bit JVM and possibly fall back to
that JVM for your regular use.

Regarding the 64 bit JVM to use we recommend the the JVM shipped with
Websphere Application Server (WAS) which is what we are testing with.
Here are the details

java version "1.5.0"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build
pxa64devifx-20070608 (SR5+IY99712))
IBM J9 VM (build 2.3, J2RE 1.5.0 IBM J9 2.3 Linux amd64-64
j9vmxa6423-20070426 (JIT enabled)
J9VM - 20070420_12448_LHdSMr
JIT - 20070419_1806_r8
GC - 200704_19)
JCL - 20070608

In addition you should use the 64-bit version of the same service
release as we bundle with the Jazz Team Server which is 1.5.0 SR7.

The only issue is that the Beta 3 version of RTC has a problem with the
server license validation code that only works in 32 bit mode. That
limitation has been removed in the pre-GA release candidate builds
starting with RC3 which is scheduled for completion on May 23.

Jim D'Anjou
Jazz Jumpstart Team

lmcchla wrote:

We are building a SUSE Linux server for Team Concert, and wish to have
16G RAM. The IT folks told us we need 64 bits SUSE to handle that (32
bits limit to 4G), but the RTC release notes show only 32 bits OS

Is 64 bits supported today, if not when it'll be ?


Christian Lague
Ericsson Communications Montreal

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