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Configuring team areas at Component level in RTC

Deepali Deshmukh (8914261) | asked Jun 27 '16, 2:57 a.m.
edited Jun 30 '16, 11:45 a.m. by David Lafreniere (4.8k7)
 I have scenario where TeamA members should checkin and deliver to componentA and TeamB members should checkin and deliver to ComponentB. while teamA members should not be allowed to deliver to component B and TeamB members should not be allowed to component A.  I have tried the below scenario 

Stream should have visibility and owned by set to project area level.
Component A  visibility set to project area level and owned by to TeamA
Component B  visibility set to project area level and owned by to TeamB

But after configuring as above, it is not allowing teamA members for component A to deliver. It shows error while deliver  


You don't have permission to Deliver [server].


In order to carry out this operation, you would need permission to perform the following additional actions:

Action: ID:

Deliver change sets modify/stream/deliver/changesets"

I have assigned  teammember's role to the team area members with all the SCM rights.  I am using CLM 6.0 and RTC eclipse client 5.0
Please let me now how can I achieve this. 
Thanks in Advance

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jun 28 '16, 8:53 a.m. | edited Jun 28 '16, 8:54 a.m.

I have tried scenarios in the link but its not working. Any workaround or solution ?

Accepted answer

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 01 '16, 6:37 a.m.
Access has nothing to do with it. The other team members would not be able to deliver. Either you use team areas as described or the operational behavior "Restrict Change Set Delivery to Components in a Stream". That is what the tool supports. You can not implement something that the tool does not support, except by extending it. In RTc that would likely have to be a custom deliver precondition in this case.
Deepali Deshmukh selected this answer as the correct answer

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jul 06 '16, 2:28 a.m.

Thank You Ralph,
By using the operational behavior "Restrict Change Set Delivery to Components in a Stream it works as required.

4 other answers

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 28 '16, 9:21 a.m.
edited Jun 28 '16, 9:23 a.m.
the problem here is that you don't understand how permissions work and that visibility of components does not contribute here. To be able to perform an operation, the user must have a role that has the permission to perform the operation.

Roles: actually talks about permissions a bit but is more about read access, which is a completely different matter.

The user you are using basically has at least one role (everyone) and potentially more, but no of the roles has the permission to deliver in the context. The permissions can be changed per role in the RTC Project Admin UI in the Web UI or Eclipse.

also see Process permissions lookup in Rational Team Concert

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jun 29 '16, 1:38 a.m.

Thank you Ralph for your inputs. 

I have granted all the SCM(the below) permissions to the developer role, then assigned developer role to the team members. I have verified all the permission in XML file for the role,  as all permissions are in place team members should be allowed to deliver to the respective streams.  

Unfortunately while delivering team members are facing the above error.

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jun 29 '16, 1:51 a.m.

I have also tried to apply pre-condition "Restrict change set delivery to components in a stream" . which fails with the same error.

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Karthik Krishnan (8846121163) | answered Jun 28 '16, 9:23 a.m.
Check the Permission on the Team area under SCM part.

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jun 29 '16, 1:42 a.m.

Thank you Karthik,

I have already assigned the above permissions on the team area. then to facing the issue. Is there any other configuration/permission to get this in place.

Karthik Krishnan commented Jun 29 '16, 2:31 a.m.

Did you check also the license type? 

  • The user should have "Developer" license or "Practicioner"
  • License not expired
If your stream is owned by a team area, check if the inheritance is broken there in SCM part and if it has been then do the change there

Karthik Krishnan commented Jun 29 '16, 2:32 a.m.

 Also the information you have provided is bare minimum. We don't know anything about roles assigned etc

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jun 29 '16, 2:54 a.m. | edited Jun 29 '16, 3:15 a.m.

I have assigned developer license type, verified the expiry date and It looks fine. My stream is owned by project area and components are owned by team area.

I have project area XUnit.

Team area A and team area B created. user1 is member of team A with role developer (all SCM permissions assigned) at team area level. user2 is member of team B with role developer (all SCM permissions assigned) at team area level.

Stream XYZ with owned by project area.

CompA and CompB are the components created under stream XYZ. CompA is owned by Team area A and CompB is owned by Team area B.

So user1 delivers to comp1 and user2 to Comp2. when user1 delivers to comp1, the delivery fails with the error. 

I hope this info gives you clear idea about the scenario

Karthik Krishnan commented Jun 29 '16, 4:10 a.m.

 Did you try assigning the ownership of Steam to Team area and try?

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jun 29 '16, 5:42 a.m.

yes, It works only with one team Area

But assigning ownership of stream to a particular Team area will not work, as I want both the teams to have access to the stream. particular team should have access to particular components .

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 01 '16, 6:38 a.m.

in 6.0.2 you might be able to use flow directions.

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jun 29 '16, 5:11 a.m.
Your user1 is developer in Team Area 1. The stream is owned by the Project area. So the role of the user1 for the stream (which governs the deliver, the components don't) is everyone which probably does not have the permissions set..

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jun 29 '16, 7:25 a.m.

By granting permissions of SCM to everyone at project area level the error is not shown. But then Team area A member are able to deliver to both Components (CompA/CompB). while I want to restrict Team area A deliver only to component A or which every component that are owned by them. Same for Team area B members.

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Deepali Deshmukh (8914261) | answered Jun 30 '16, 2:01 a.m.

Is there any work around to set team level access at component level?

Karthik Krishnan commented Jun 30 '16, 9:38 a.m.

If you need team level access, assign the "Team" as the owner of "Stream"

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jul 01 '16, 6:21 a.m.

If I do that then other team area's and project area level users will not have access to it.

Karthik Krishnan commented Jul 01 '16, 6:41 a.m.

So is your requirement to have Stream accessible to all users while  components only to members of specific team?

Deepali Deshmukh commented Jul 14 '16, 4:51 a.m.

yes I want to have Stream accessible to all users while  components only to members of specific team.
This is possible using the pre condition "Restrict Change Set Delivery to Components in a Stream". But the issue is I have to assign deliver permission to everyone's role at project level then only the per-condition works as required. 

Ralph Schoon commented Jul 14 '16, 5:09 a.m. | edited Jul 14 '16, 5:09 a.m.

This article explains how operational behavior and roles works:

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