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Exporting of Work-Items from old SCRUM Templates in new

Ewald Ros (3132) | asked Feb 22 '10, 8:47 a.m.
We have one old Projekt-Area, which we migrated from RTC 1.0.1 in RTC

We would like to start working with a new Project-Area because of advantages of new SCRUM-Template. Who can we export and import a Work-Items in new Project-Area?

We have tried to use Export/Import function in Eclipse Client, but we lost information about Child Work-Items, Priority and etc.

So is it possible to get Work-Item from Project with old SCRUM-Template in new?

2 answers

permanent link
Work Item & UI Commons Team (1.3k1) | answered Feb 22 '10, 1:23 p.m.
Yes, Links will only be supported for CSV Import/Export as of RTC 3.0.

permanent link
Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Feb 22 '10, 1:27 p.m.
Have you considered to follow


We have one old Projekt-Area, which we migrated from RTC 1.0.1 in RTC

We would like to start working with a new Project-Area because of advantages of new SCRUM-Template. Who can we export and import a Work-Items in new Project-Area?

We have tried to use Export/Import function in Eclipse Client, but we lost information about Child Work-Items, Priority and etc.

So is it possible to get Work-Item from Project with old SCRUM-Template in new?

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