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Set Delete WorkItem permission to role with Plain Java API

Angelo Corna (26358383) | asked Apr 09, 5:09 p.m.
I need to give the Delete WorkItem permission to a role in about 100 Project Areas.
How can I do this programmatically, for example using the Plain Java APIs?

Thanks in advance.

Ralph Schoon commented Apr 10, 2:37 a.m.
  1. Why would you want to enable delete work item in so many project areas?
  2. I do not have examples for Plain Java Client Libraries, you would have to search if you find something. I would search the SDK/Plain Java in packages* 
  3. If you have a role there is an API with this capability, the Jazz Foundation API could assign the role: 

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Angelo Corna (26358383) | answered Apr 10, 2:45 a.m.

I need to delete all the workItems in all the project areas. 
I'm able to do this with the Plain Java but I need the permissions ......

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