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Where can I find details on migrating from DOORS 9 to DOORS Next Gen 7.0.2?

Carol Watson (710118) | asked Jul 28 '23, 12:40 p.m.

I'm primarily looking for any size constraints regarding the number of objects you can migrate in a single package and whether linked DOORS modules must all be migrated into the same DNG project in order to preserve those links.

Thank you,

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Ian Barnard (2.0k613) | answered Jul 29 '23, 6:31 a.m.

Hi Carol

The DOORS documentation on migration to DOORS Next is here

The docs say the migration is incremental so you can export a few modules leaving stuff behind and with the next migration package bringing that stuff into DN links are correctly migrated/recreated. But the docs also say not to simply bring everything across; migration is a good opportunity to refine the content you'll use in DN.

As a rule of thumb the size of migration packages is similar to reqif export of the same content - as the default import size limit for reqif imports to DN is 50MiB that could be a starting point for maximum size of the exported migration package.

You should probably run a smaller-scale trial migration?

I'm sure if you need detailed guidance or assistance with migration then Expert Labs can help you.


Carol Watson selected this answer as the correct answer

Carol Watson commented Aug 02 '23, 12:22 p.m.

  Thank you Ian, appreciate the quick response.


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