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DNG using GCM and Report Builder

Lew Cote (53) | asked Apr 21 '22, 4:20 p.m.


Can I use JRS to report on DNG artifacts only in a GCM environment.   ETM and EWM are not GC configured.  When in Report Builder I cannot see my DNG project which is under GC.

Thank you,

2 answers

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Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered Apr 21 '22, 7:09 p.m.

No - GCM configured project areas need to use the LQE data source

Lew Cote commented Apr 21 '22, 10:01 p.m.

Thank you Davyd,

So I cannot use Report Builder on a GCM configured project with only DNG.

A side question, I think I know the answer, but if I create custom artifacts in DNG, JRS will not be able to report on them, and I should pursue PUB.

I am trying to gather metrics on custom artifacts created in DNG.


Davyd Norris commented Apr 21 '22, 10:21 p.m.
Hi Lew,

Yes you absolutely can use Report Builder, but you can't use the Data Warehouse as your report Data Source - you will need to select either Lifecycle Query Engine or Lifecycle Query Engine with Configuration as the data source.

And yes all custom artefacts, attributes, etc. are able to be used in Report Builder, however the data sources need to know about them before they will appear in the wizard. This means:
 - you have to create at least one artefact and use the attributes at least once anywhere in the project area
 - the DCC jobs or LQE Engine must have run and picked up the new metadata
 - you may possibly need to manually refresh the Data Source to see the new metadata

Lew Cote commented Apr 22 '22, 8:43 a.m.

 Thank you Kind Sir for the guidance.

Ahhhhh I need to run the DCC or LQE Engine to pick up the new metadata.

I am on it!   I will let you know how I make out.


Lew Cote commented Apr 25 '22, 8:52 a.m.


Yes you were right, I just needed to refresh the data source to see the new metadata.

Thank you


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David Honey (1.8k17) | answered Apr 22 '22, 4:44 a.m.
edited Apr 22 '22, 4:45 a.m.
Just to clarify since the original question uses incorrect terminlogy. I've italicised the correct terminology for emphasis below.

If you have a GC hiearchy that includes contributions from DN local configurations, then you can report on the requirements in that global configuration. However, as Davyd Norris correctly points out, you can only do so using a Report Builder data source such as Lifecycle Query Engine scoped to a configuration .

If you want a report that includes traceability relationships between requirements and test artifacts from ETM, those test artifacts must be from ETM project areas that have also opted-in for configuration management.

Lew Cote commented Apr 22 '22, 8:59 a.m.

 Thanks Mr. Honey for you comments

But in this case this is only DNG and NO ETM or EWM will ever be used.


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