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Date and time format changed in EWM 7.0

Leonardo Benevides (266628) | asked Dec 06 '22, 1:57 p.m.
Hi all! 

In CLM 6.0.6, the format of date/time fields in RTC tasks and workitems (creation date, e.g.,) were like this: "09/23/2022 15:00:00".

When migrating to ELM version 7.0.2, this format in the EWM was changed to "Sep 23, 2022 15:00:00"

There was no change in browser or operating system language.

Is there any way to change it and return to the previous format used in version 6.0.6 (09/23/2022 15:00:00)?

David Honey commented Dec 07 '22, 4:34 a.m.

What is the format set for your client operating system and/or web browser?
Usually date/times are formatted according to browser preferences. Have you tried setting it there?

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