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IBM CLM 6.0.4 Websphere and DB2 Setup:Change of password

Unknown User (19136) | asked Sep 22 '20, 1:57 a.m.
edited Sep 23 '20, 5:01 a.m. by Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646)
 Hi Team, Update of current password and in our setup using Websphere Enterprise server. We would like to change the current password to complex password. Is below two options are fine,please suggest.

1. Try opening publicURI/jts/setup, publicURI/ccm/setup,publicURI/rm/admin,publicURI/qm/admin and skip to the step number by overtyping the step number on URL and give the userid and password > Test connection > Next to save the setting.

2. Logon to publicURI/jts/admin, publicURI/ccm/admin,publicURI/rm/admin,publicURI/qm/admin > Server > Advanced properties > edit userid and password for dataWareHouse and save the settings

Please suggest

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Ralph Schoon (63.4k33646) | answered Sep 23 '20, 5:11 a.m.
edited Sep 23 '20, 5:25 a.m.
1. I wonder why I have to edit your question to make it readable. Can't you proof read your question and make it consumable? Are you not interested in an answer?
2. I am not sure if you can use the Setup to change passwords and which.
2.1 You have a local password file, e.g. using Liberty profile as app server. Then go to the user administration logged in as the user and use the button to change your password
2.2. You have LDAP configured, change the password in LDAP - talk to your LDAP guys how to.
3. There are some functional user ID's that are used. I can't provide with a document how to change those passwords. If they show up as users in user admin, I would assume you can change that there. You might have to update the password in the advanced properties or in the applications using it.
4. The Database password is stored in the You would have to go into the properties or better the servers advanced attributes and change the connection string/password there.

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