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Importing workitems using the CSV changing the workitem status

vinay kumar bondugula (7322972) | asked Apr 12 '22, 3:45 p.m.


Our SCM team imported the 200+ woriktems to RTC using a .csv file. The team observed that the Workitems marked as “Resolved –  (Resolution) No Problem Found” are being taken as “Received” state by RTC, while importing from CSV. But, if we mark them as “Resolve – (Resolution) Problem Fixed”, it’s taking them properly. Please let us know why the workitem status is changed for different state resolutions.

Note: Received state is Initial or New state


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Ralph Schoon commented Apr 13 '22, 1:47 a.m.

Maybe I am just stupid, but I do not understand this question.  There is no organization or structure I can recognize in the question. It is totally confusing and seems to mix states and resolutions. In addition, the question is missing a product tag.

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