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How to set custom attribute values of artifact using Eclipse lyo : OSLC + JAVA

Shriram Punde (113) | asked Dec 04 '21, 7:28 a.m.

I have defined structure in DNG server.  Now  I am trying to add artifact in that structure.
I am able to add artifact with system artifacts (name, description, etc.)

My question is how to set custom attributes ?

I have tried by setting extendedProperties and updating the same (using correct urls of attribute types). but no luck .

Please suggest how we can add custom attributes in artifact by using eclipse lyo.

David Honey commented Dec 06 '21, 4:57 a.m.

Have you been able to do so using a web browser plugin like Postman/RESTED etc?
I'd try that first to make sure your HTTP PUT request is correct.

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S C (133) | answered Dec 07 '21, 4:55 a.m.

You should be able to do it by updating the extended properties. 

It was helpful for me. Keep in mind to:
  1. Make sure that the right QName is set i.e. the namespace URI, local part and prefix. You can verify this from the rdf+xml response that we get by fetch the resource/artifact or by checking in the Component properties in DNG in the browser.
  2. Next step would be to add this <QName, Object> pair to the extended properties and UPDATE the resource.

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