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CLM compatibility with 389 Directory Server

Leonardo Benevides (266628) | asked Apr 19 '21, 1:33 p.m.

 Hi folks,

My client has LDAP as their user directory and they are moving to 389 Directory Server. I don't think it will be a problem, but does anyone know if it is fully compatible with CLM and WAS? We have CLM 606 running on WAS 8.5.5.

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Daniel Moul (4.9k1318) | answered Apr 19 '21, 2:29 p.m.

What does "fully compatible" mean?

This is not an LDAP server that the ELM teams explicitly test, but if it faithfully implements the LDAP protocol, it's likely to work. For example, we tend to use the related OpenLDAP server in our internal development; see

If your client's use cases are more complex or want to make use of features unique to 389 Directory Server, then likely you'll need to try it to figure how (or whether) it works.

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