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Is it possible to add letters to an ID? e.g. SR-2033489

Zoe Bezner (151) | asked Mar 23 '21, 7:01 a.m.

 Can an information e.g SR= SystemRequirmeent be directly added to the ID?

Bartosz Chrabski commented Mar 23 '21, 7:47 a.m. | edited Mar 23 '21, 7:48 a.m.

I assume that it is DNG related question

Accepted answer

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Bartosz Chrabski (3.4k22949) | answered Mar 23 '21, 7:47 a.m.

 Hi Zoe,

ID is generated by system and can not be modified. You can create a custom attribute that will contain letters and digits. 

Zoe Bezner selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

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Sean F (1.3k252162) | answered Mar 23 '21, 12:03 p.m.
Hi Zoe,

There is a page on Hazel Woodcocks blog illustrating the results of Bartosz's suggestion

It does not look very good in DNG but does look good when properly concatenated during RPE publishing

Hopefully we will get elegant in-tool concatenated presentation of this solution in the future.

Sean F commented Mar 25 '21, 12:44 p.m.
One of the annoying limitations of this seemingly useful solution I have found is that it seems you cannot specify a default value for the attribute on a per-artifact basis.

It would be good if you could define a Prefix atttribute and then give it the default value 'SR-' when used on System Requirements and 'TR-' when used on Technical Requirements etc.

But you can only give the attribute itself a default value so for Prefix default values to work usefully it seems you need to create a separate attribute for each artifact type.

Sean F commented Mar 25 '21, 12:45 p.m. | edited Mar 25 '21, 12:45 p.m.
One of the annoying limitations of this seemingly useful solution I have found is that it seems you cannot specify a default value for the attribute on a per-artifact type basis.

It would be good if you could define a Prefix attribute and then give it the default value 'SR-' when used on System Requirements and 'TR-' when used on Technical Requirements etc.

But you can only give the attribute itself a default value so for Prefix default values to work usefully it seems you need to create a separate attribute for each artifact type.

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