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DNG->DOORS 9.7 ReqIF Export/Import Issues

Carson Holmes (11113544) | asked Apr 17 '22, 7:39 p.m.

I've recently been playing with the integration between DNG and DOORS 9.7 in the IBM learn lab environment.  Even though I've used both tools in the past, it's been about a decade, so am I refamiliarizing myself with the capabilities.  I apologize if these issues are just due to my lack of knowledge.

Issue 1: The images and diagrams from DNG once imported into DOORS 9.7 are only shown as thumbnails and not as a normal requirement image.

Issue 2: A numbered list from DNG was converted to bullets (without numbers)

Issue 3: Text that was indented in DNG using the indent button is left justified after import.

Thanks for any insights into these issues.  Best regards.

Ian Barnard commented Apr 19 '22, 3:47 a.m. | edited Apr 19 '22, 3:48 a.m.

Hi Carson

You should update DOORS Next to the most recent 7.0.2 iFix012 and repeat your checks because it's very likely the reqif import/export on the DN side will work better.

Any remaining issues, you should create a support case.


Carson Holmes commented Apr 19 '22, 9:21 a.m.

Thanks for the reply Ian.  I'd love to try that, but I'm using the ibm labs environment which seems set at iFix 11.  I will check with the client to see what version they are on.  Is there a way to review a backlog of outstanding issues with the ReqIF import into DOORS Classic?  Are any of these known issues?

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Davyd Norris (2.6k217) | answered Apr 17 '22, 8:49 p.m.
Hi Carson,

Can you give us more info:
 - What exact version and patch level of both product are you using?
 - how are you doing the integration? ReqIF or the Migration tool?
 - regarding the indent, do you mean demote/promote or the actual word processor indent?
 - did you get any logs or messages during the export/import process at all?
Carson Holmes selected this answer as the correct answer

Carson Holmes commented Apr 18 '22, 12:18 a.m.

Thanks for the response Davyd.  Using

DOORS Client version: 
IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next 7.0.2 DOORSNext7.0.2-I20201106_0905

I successfully reproduced the issues that the customer ran into.  To do this I added some new requirements to the existing Automotive Requirements project.  I did ReqIF export selecting the 'Car Stakeholder Requirements Specification' module which had my additions.  Then I just did an import of the ReqIF into a new DOORS project, and the module was created successfully and exhibited these issues.

The indent is the word processor (rich text) indent button.  I did indent with spaces instead on a separate line and that worked.

Carson Holmes commented Apr 18 '22, 12:18 a.m.

 I got one message about an issue with 'Description', I think because I added a description property to one of the heading requirements, and it didn't like that.  Not sure where I find the logs...  I can try to repeat without the description property, but my guess is this didn't cause the issues I'm seeing.

Thanks again!!

Davyd Norris commented Apr 18 '22, 7:54 p.m.
What about if you import the ReqIF package into a second DNG project area? That will tell us which side of the ReqIF it's happening on at least.

If you get correct import into a second DNG project then it's the DOORS Classic import that's the issue. If you get incorrect import then it's the ReqIF package prep on the DNG side

Carson Holmes commented Apr 19 '22, 8:53 a.m. | edited Apr 19 '22, 8:54 a.m.

Imports beautifully back into a new DNG project.  Are there any options to play with on the DOORS Classic side?  Client said they had the same issues with 9.6.x (and even had one more issue with tables appearing as a single line of text with no spaces).

Davyd Norris commented Apr 20 '22, 2:45 a.m.
OK that's pretty definite. I think I would log a ticket with IBM Support against DOORS Classic in this case.

Might be worth updating to before you do - I can't see anything in the fix list that looks like it relates but good to eliminate that before you log the ticket

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