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Is it possible to define or reference a custom sort in JRS?

Timothy Distel (73356) | asked Jun 26 '19, 10:55 a.m.
edited Jun 26 '19, 10:56 a.m.


I am using CLM Suite 6.0.6.

I have a JRS (LQE datasource/SparQL based) report which generates a table based on artifact relationships across applications. The data is from test cases, test scripts, test results, requirements, and defects. When I don't define custom expressions to concatenate requirements and defects, the report defaults into an order of artifacts by execution which is desirable.

The problem is that I need to concatenate 2 of the 5 columns and when I add a custom expression to the report, the order is seemingly randomized. Is it possible to have the default sort persist with the addition of custom expressions, or any way to reference that order of artifacts?

Timothy Distel commented Jun 27 '19, 7:22 a.m.

 Perhaps a more apt and specific question:

It seems the sort I want is already defined as the report defaults into it with no custom expression defined, so can I just reference it in the advanced query edit to have that sort with the concatenated columns? If so, can someone give an example of the query edit that would need to be made?

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anup Gaur (1392444) | answered Jun 27 '19, 4:50 a.m.

 I think it is possible to edit the SQL in the advance tab and define the sorting that you prefer.

For this once you have defined all the other parameters of the report you can enable the edit SQL in advance tab.

Kindly create a copy of your report before you do edit SQL since, after editing SQL you cannot go back to editing in UI mode.

Timothy Distel commented Jun 27 '19, 6:44 a.m.


Thank you for your reply. As I'm not proficient in SparQL queries, would you be able to point me to a resource that would help provide an example of how I could define the sort I prefer?

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