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JRS 5.0.1 - Can't build a new Report

Francis Kemp (7213044) | asked Nov 14 '14, 11:24 p.m.
Just installed JRS V5.0.1 and configured the Data Source for the Data Warehouse. 

When I try to build a new report, I see the Data Warehouse entry but the Continue button is ghosted out.  There are no error messages in rs.log.

Any idea what might be happening?


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Cherie Revells (18111) | answered Nov 20 '14, 10:59 a.m.
I have seen this happen when a connection cannot be made to the data source.  Is this the problem?  The connection can be tested on the data sources page with the Test Connection button.

Francis Kemp commented Nov 20 '14, 3:20 p.m.

I can connect to the data source just fine using the Test Connection button.  The Build Report page is clearly not getting that message though.....

Cherie Revells commented Nov 20 '14, 3:24 p.m.

Are there any artifact types listed?  If not, then it must be having a problem retrieving the metadata from the data warehouse describing the types.  Try querying your database directly maybe???

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