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DoorsNG - Used in Modules view option - as a filter ?

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked Feb 06 '19, 9:39 a.m.

I have the Used in Modules icon displayed in my view. Is it possible to use that entity as a view filter so that I can create a Gap view for all artifacts not currently in a module ?   (Where Used option ?)

Accepted answer

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Diana Kraaijeveld (57727) | answered Feb 07 '19, 7:56 a.m.
My previous comment should have a screenshot but I'm having some trouble inserting screenshots..
Here are the steps:

When you have a view open in DNG with an existing filter, you can add a filter by clicking on  the '+' sign and select "Where Used (Modules)" from the list of attributes. And pick the modules to include in your filter.
- You can then, for example, choose "is not any of" to find if there are artifacts is not in one of the selected modules.
- Or choose "is not all of" to find if there are artifacts that are not in any of the selected modules.

I hope this helps.
Karen Steele selected this answer as the correct answer

Karen Steele commented Feb 07 '19, 4:28 p.m.

thanks for the input, I was hoping it was a little more cut and dry whilst that will work, as modules are added all the time, this will require constant refreshing to tag new modules.  Thanks

Karen Steele commented Feb 07 '19, 4:31 p.m.

thanks for the input, I was hoping it was a little more cut and dry whilst that will work, as modules are added all the time, this will require constant refreshing to tag new modules.  Thanks

One other answer

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Diana Kraaijeveld (57727) | answered Feb 07 '19, 7:49 a.m.
Yes, when you add a filter for the "Where Used' (Modules)" attribute you should be able to filter artifacts that are (not) contained in one or more specific modules.
See screenshot below:

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