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How to personalize drop-down list of columns to display in DNG module?

Michael Laurendi (1051845) | asked Jul 27 '18, 8:15 a.m.

In DNG 6.0.5, no GC, is there a way to personalize (change) the list of items in the drop-down menu when right-clicking on the top gray row in a module that pops-up the menu "Show Full Hierarchy, Configure Columns to Display..., Reset Columns to Default". I am referring to the list under "Show columns".

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Rosa Naranjo (2.9k11723) | answered Jul 27 '18, 4:09 p.m.
No sorry there is no way to change this UI. 

You can submit an enhancement request if there is an attribute you feel should be in this list but is not.

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