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Is there a way to hide or suppress an attribute from the list users see in Configure Columns to Display in Rational DOORS Next Generation? I am using version 6.0.5.

Michael Laurendi (1051845) | asked Mar 14 '18, 3:01 p.m.

Is there a way to hide or suppress an attribute from the list users see in a module when selecting Configure Columns to Display in Rational DOORS Next Generation? I am using version 6.0.5.

I don't want to delete the attribute. I want it hidden or suppressed from the list of attributes on the left that the user sees after selecting "Configure Columns to Display..."

Steps to re-create:
1. Open a module.
2. Select the "Configure Page Settings" pulldown in the top row left.
3. Select "Configure Columns to Display..." This displays a window "Change Column Display Settings".
4. On the left side column is a gray header row titled "Select attributes or link types:", there is a horizontal scroll bar and a list of attributes in alphabetical order. Is there any way to have one or more of the attributes removed/hidden/suppressed from this list?

Donald Nong commented Mar 15 '18, 12:35 a.m.

Do you want to hide the same attribute from the details view as well, as in, access control on an attribute level? Or you just don't want the users to add too many columns in the view?

Michael Laurendi commented Mar 15 '18, 9:44 a.m.

The former: I want to hide the same attribute from the details view.

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Donald Nong (14.5k614) | answered Mar 15 '18, 10:44 p.m.

I am not aware of any attribute level access control in DNG. Within the Jazz family, the read access is much more relaxed than the write access. Usually, if you can read an item, you can read the whole thing, not just part of it. You can see more details about permissions and access control in DNG in the below document.

This blog mentions a way to provide write (but not read) access on the attribute level, to some degree - I understand that's not you are looking for though.

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