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Delete snapshot. Possible?

cdagorn christ (113) | asked Oct 13 '09, 4:39 a.m.

I make snapshot of my Test Plan.
RQM make snapshot of:
- Test Plan
- Test Case
- Test script

I am OK?

It is possible to delete one Test Plan snapshot and child snapshot (TC, TS)?

I have not found delete function. At this time i don't want use RQM snapshot because i am affraid that Tester create snapshot by error.

Thank you.

6 answers

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cdagorn christ (113) | answered Oct 16 '09, 3:35 a.m.
Anybody have an idea?

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Drew Cobb (10132015) | answered Apr 29 '10, 10:18 a.m.
I read an earlier post from October '09 about this, but no one ever responded. If I create a snapshot of a test script, how do I delete the snap shot? Thanks for all responses.

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Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | answered Apr 29 '10, 10:40 a.m.
I read an earlier post from October '09 about this, but no one ever responded. If I create a snapshot of a test script, how do I delete the snap shot? Thanks for all responses.

In all replies here I believe the answer is currently NO - Enhancement 27492 refers as a request for the same thing, currently no planned commitment date

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Drew Cobb (10132015) | answered Apr 29 '10, 12:41 p.m.
That is uncanny to me anyway). I can create something, but I can't delete it. Judging from the sheer volume of posts, this product was rushed to the market before it was ready.

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Patrick Van Zandt (1.2k1) | answered Apr 29 '10, 6:38 p.m.
That is uncanny to me anyway). I can create something, but I can't delete it. Judging from the sheer volume of posts, this product was rushed to the market before it was ready.

I would assume that the inability to delete snapshots is not accidental (i.e. it was a purposeful design decision). Maybe someone from dev can confirm/deny my theory?

My concern is this -- If users were allowed to delete snapshots, this creates a major hole in the audit trail for teams that rely on historical snapshots for audit purposes.

As mentioned above, anyone interested in following this can subscribe to Enhancement 27492 for updates.

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chingakham singh (21) | answered Aug 25 '10, 5:35 p.m.
My two cents:
Here is a work around to delete a snapshot in RQM.
Firstly, understand that a snapshot is tight to the original artifact. So, if you take a snapshot of a Test Plan, you are able to view snapshot for that particular test plan. Also, it creates the snapshot for all the test cases attached to test plan and all the test scripts attached to the test cases.

So, the logical way to delete a snapshot for a test plan is to delete the original version of the test plan artifact that you created the snapshot of. Be cautious though!

If you really want to delete the snapshot and clean up, take a copy of the snapshot first ( this is to keep a backup) because once you delete the original test plan, it will delete the snapshot and you will not be able to retrieve them.

Now what happen to the test case snapshots and test scripts snapshots that were created because of the test plan snapshots? They remain intake.

Follow the same process to delete test case and test script. Try it out in a dev. environment first.

By the way, I am using RQM 2.0.1 ifix 3

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