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Can someone please help with using RQM to call JUnit and SOAPUI Scripts?

Maria Amalan (784366) | asked Oct 28 '16, 2:15 a.m.
I have a team who needs help with:

1. Automation using RQM to call JUnit scripts (without Selenium) for Non-Web based application testing

2. Automation using RQM to call SOAPUI scripts

Any kind of help here would be great. If someone can send in articles about it or volunteer to help out personally, please respond here. Thanks in advance.

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Michael Triantafelow (4513) | answered Oct 28 '16, 3:21 p.m.
edited Oct 28 '16, 3:26 p.m.
 You'll want to look at the documentation for anything related to the Command Line Adapter.  The basic gist is that you'll setup Command Line Adapters on the machines that will be running the scripts, then you'll register the adapter with RQM.  Then create a Command Line Test Script in QM and tell it what it needs to run (i.e. your JUnit tests).

Here's a Google search to get you started:

The Command Line Adapter has a readme.txt file with some of the specifics on how to use it.

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