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Validation of data on entry during a manual script

David Kanen (63) | asked Aug 27 '15, 10:47 a.m.
Pretty new to RQM.  Wrote a manual test script.  I have a step that requires a value to be entered.  I would like the step to pass or fail based on the entry, not leave it to the user to decide the pass/fail state.  Using RQM  v5.0.2.

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Don Yang (7.7k21114139) | answered Aug 27 '15, 8:20 p.m.
Hi, David

If you mean you want the tool to automatic pass or fail the step based on the value input, there is no such feature in manual script. You may want to put the condition of pass or fail in the Expected Result field to remind the tester what value should be passed and what should be failed based on what input value.


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