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Print page number in PDF file generated from export function

Ugo Soave (2547) | asked Oct 20 '15, 10:39 a.m.
Hello, I'using RQM V. 5.0.1 and I want to print my Test Plans, which consist of many test cases. So I go to a Test Plan summary page, and click the PDF Icon, choosing export details. It  works fine, but I can't find a way to have page numbers written on this pdf. Is there any option to do this? Thanks fo your attention. Ugo

Accepted answer

permanent link
Ara Masrof (3.2k15) | answered Oct 20 '15, 11:19 a.m.
Currently, page numbers are not included as a part of the resulting PDF document
There is an existing Enhancement request to add this functionality to a future release

Enhancement 56178 PDF Export - show page number on each page of result document

Ugo Soave selected this answer as the correct answer

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