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What are the options around integration between RTC(JTS/CCM apps) and password management tools for those saved while setup/admin console

Ravikanth Chavali (401824) | asked Dec 29 '14, 11:03 a.m.

Is there any integration between RTC(JTS/CCM apps) and password management tools that could be done for userId whose passwords are save in JTS/CCM ? For example; In case of CyberArk for password management system. When the password changes in that system could it be automatically reflected in the places where it is specified in RTC(JTS & CCM) ? And same goes with the case where Build user service account is defined for Jazz builds.

Thank you,

Ravikanth Chavali

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Geoffrey Clemm (30.1k33035) | answered Dec 29 '14, 11:52 p.m.
Password management is not performed by either the JTS or CCM apps, and passwords are not stored in either the JTS or CCM repositories.   Password management is performed by whatever identify management system you are using (commonly some LDAP-based repository, or your app server).

Ravikanth Chavali commented Dec 30 '14, 10:31 p.m.

 I believe my question wasn't clear enough. I understand there is an LDAP integration configuration for JazzUsers,Admins,DWAdmins,Guests etc.

However my questions was focused around integration options to keep the db2 jdbc userid/password for JTS, CCM & DataWareHouse in sync with password management tools.

Geoffrey Clemm commented Jan 02 '15, 12:30 a.m.

Same answer ... no password management is done by the JTS or CCM servers.   The user password management is done by your LDAP repository or app server, so you will need to investigate how password management is done by your LDAP repository or app server.   Similarly, the db admin password management is done by your database server, not by the JTS or CCM servers.

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