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CQTM and/or RMT to RQM

Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | asked Apr 29 '09, 8:13 a.m.
Follow on from previous topic, these migration tools were provided with 1.0 so I don't think the version is the cause here.

CQTM plugin installed in my client (not the server) - use the option to export to RQM - asset registry to migration is loaded, provide host name for repository and then the next page of the dialogue asks which "project" to migrate to ... the dialogue is empty !

For RMT again files loaded, batch file ran and select the assets to migrate - dialogue doesn't accept the host name and userid - underlying command dialogue shows a 501 Not Implemented error

Any ideas ? or places to look

2 answers

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Mike Yalter (11611) | answered Apr 29 '09, 1:14 p.m.
It seems there might be a connection problem or a URL problem.

Do you have the correct port, and the correct protocol (https)?
Can you get to the server from that same client machine using a standard browser?

permanent link
Karen Steele (1.2k4139148) | answered Apr 30 '09, 1:37 p.m.
It seems there might be a connection problem or a URL problem.

Do you have the correct port, and the correct protocol (https)?
Can you get to the server from that same client machine using a standard browser?

Yes I have the correct ports and https address I copied it directly off the URL that I connect to the project with ... I had to have the projects upgraded to 1.0.1 to be able to use any of the migration tools

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