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RQM Error instantiating the template: java.lang.NullPointerException

Mingzuo Shen (13158) | asked Nov 04 '13, 2:01 p.m.
edited Nov 05 '13, 10:15 a.m. by Max Bridges (24126)

Newbie question, please help, thanks!

We installed RQM and are trying to do some Hello World type of test.

I tried to create a project:

Name: LifecycleProject001
Template: Empty Lifecycle Project

click on the [Save] button.

Error instantiating the template: java.lang.NullPointerException

from admin.log:

ERROR                          - java.lang.NullPointerException
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
 ... 6 more

Some licensing issue maybe?

Where can I check?

Accepted answer

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Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | answered Nov 05 '13, 12:16 a.m.
 Hello Mingzuo Shen, The error seems to be a defect (ref WI # 170201  if you are running RQM v3.0.1 (if yes, please upgrade to RQM v3011 as recommended in the defect WI).

Also please review the steps given in the defect WI and see if it applies to the env., you are in.

If not:
- Are you able to create project areas wiht other process templates?
- What licenses do the user creating project area have? and what role (JazzAdmins | JazzProjectAdmins | JazzUsers ... )?
 >> Can you please try with a user having "JazzAdmins" role and "Quality Professional" license assigned?
- What version of RQM is used? is this a fresh env., or upgraded from an earlier release of RQM?

Best Regards
Mingzuo Shen selected this answer as the correct answer

Mingzuo Shen commented Nov 05 '13, 7:05 a.m.

This is a fresh install of 4.0.3.
I am trying to test drive the new installation.
Do not know much about this stuff.

Cannot use other templates, because if I try to use any other template,
I get errors such as: project area in no registered application for 'Requirements Management'

The user does seem to have the correct roles and licenses.

Repository Permissions
JazzAdmins checked
JazzDWAdmins checked
JazzGuests checked
JazzUsers checked
JazzProjectAdmins checked

Client Access Licenses
Data Collector: 0 available - Internal
LPA Application-Internal: 0 available - Internal
QM Data Collector: 1 available - Internal
Rational Quality Manager - Connector: Included
Rational Quality Manager - Quality Professional-Floating: Unlocked

Thanks so much!

Mingzuo Shen commented Nov 05 '13, 7:19 a.m.

No more errors - Thanks Sunil!

I checked the boxes next to:
QM Data Collector: 1 available - Internal
Rational Quality Manager - Connector: Included
Rational Quality Manager - Quality Professional-Floating: Unlocked
Saved the user.
Now the user seems able to create a new project!

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