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402 install errror on RHEL 6.4

Norman Dignard (356696177) | asked May 28 '13, 1:42 p.m.
retagged May 31 '13, 1:27 p.m. by Laura W. Hinson (16126)
Refesh install on RHEL 6.4 of 402 JTS/DNG/RTC/QM

Install appears fine expect for a few issues that I can't find info on.
The install log reports:
WARNING    CRIMA1129W    02:00.39    The use of path attribute to launch program "${profile:installLocation}/server/jre/bin/javaw -classpath ${profile:installLocation}/internal/post-install/swt.jar:${profile:installLocation}/internal/post-install/ ${system:user.language}_${}" is deprecated. Use <exec> instead.

I also get several
    ERROR        15:32.69    Problems occurred when invoking code from plug-in: "org.eclipse.jface". java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Argument not valid The element type "exec" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</exec>".

Has anyone come across this and is this an issue? Is there a fix?

Accepted answer

permanent link
Clement Liu (1.5k54349) | answered May 28 '13, 1:50 p.m.
Norman Dignard selected this answer as the correct answer

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