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Getting error in RTC about modifying links that require the referenced resource to maintain a back link

Ken Murphy (1033436) | asked Aug 12 '13, 9:29 p.m.
retagged Aug 13 '13, 5:12 p.m. by Ralph Earle (25739)
Trying to create a Tested By Test Case link from a story in RTC to a test case in RQM.  Navigate to and select the test case.  Click Save.  See the following error:
There were problems modifying links that require the referenced resource to maintain a back link.

Navigate to RQM and locate the test case from above.  Go to the Development Items section and add a development item link to the story
above.  Click Save.  The link is created successfully.  Navigate to the story in RTC and notice that the link to the test case is there.

What does the error mean and why can I create the link and back link from RQM, but not from RTC?

2 answers

permanent link
Sunil Kumar R (1.1k13344) | answered Aug 13 '13, 4:40 a.m.
 Hello Ken, Please try on a different browser? IE8 if possible and also with a user who is a JazzAdmins?
Do you still see the error?

For further details please refer  technote 1438855

Best Regards, Sunil

permanent link
Ken Murphy (1033436) | answered Aug 13 '13, 5:50 a.m.
Thanks for the response, Sunil.  In my overtired state last night, I neglected to mention a few additional pieces of information:
- I tried this and saw this error with IE8 (we are still company mandated to use IE8)
- I tried this and saw this error with Firefox 22
- We are using v3.0.1.5 of the Jazz tools
- I saw the technote that you referenced and tried the suggestions therein, but to no avail
- I also saw 3 or so other Jazz forum items and technotes, but they did not help either
- I am a JazzAdmin, so, yes, I tried this as a user that has the JazzAdmin role

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