Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM)
IBM Internet of Things Continuous Engineering Solution (IoT CE)

Installation and Upgrade Notes

Note: The following changes are related to installation and upgrade procedures. Other changes and fixes are not included.

Installation notes

Upgrade notes

Installation notes

All servers Java version 8 is required

Starting in version, the required Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is version 8.
  • For Oracle, you must use the ojdbc8.jar version of the driver.
  • For SQL Server, you must use the sqljdbc42.jar version of the driver.
Moving CLM servers and applications to different timezones

Starting in version 6.0.5, you can change the timezone setting for an existing server, or you can migrate applications to a server in a different timezone. For details, see Moving CLM servers and applications to different timezones.
Jazz Authorization Server Installing an enterprise database

Jazz Authorization Server is bundled with the Apache Derby database, but you can use an enterprise database such as Db2 in your Jazz Authorization Server environment. Note: If you cluster Jazz Authorization Server, you cannot use an Apache Derby database: you must use an enterprise database. For instructions on how to set up an enterprise database for Jazz Authorization Server, see the Interactive Installation Guide.
Security Enable host header validation

It is possible for a user to embed malicious JavaScript into the host header of a CLM application. To avoid this problem, you can enable host header validation on the CLM server. For more information, see Security considerations for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management.
Specify additional host names for the host header validation

For complex environments, you might want to set up a whitelist that includes additional host name aliases. Otherwise, if you attempt to connect to a server with a host name that is not in the whitelist, you receive a 400 Bad Request HTTP error. You must specify all required host names, other than the default ones such as localhost,, ::1, the server's actual host name, the server's actual IP address (both IPV4 and IPV6 formats), and the configured public URI, as a system property in the whitelist.

To set up a whitelist , you can add a Java system property to the server.startup file for WebSphere Liberty or Apache Tomcat, or add a custom property in WebSphere Application Server with a comma-separated list of host names as the value. For details, see Security considerations for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management and IoT CE Solution.

Upgrade notes

All servers Java version 8 is required

Starting in version, the required Java Development Kit (JDK) and Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is version 8.
  • For Oracle, you must use the ojdbc8.jar version of the driver.
  • For SQL Server, you must use the sqljdbc42.jar version of the driver.
Moving CLM servers and applications to different timezones

Starting in version 6.0.5, you can change the timezone setting for an existing server, or you can migrate applications to a server in a different timezone. For details, see Moving CLM servers and applications to different timezones.
Distributed Cache Microservice (DCM) New version of Eclipse Jetty affects the microservice

Starting in version, the version of Eclipse Jetty that the Distributed Cache Microservice (DCM) uses has changed. As a result, the allowRenegotiate property in the distributedCache.cfg file changed to renegotiationAllowed and the default value is still false.
Upgrade instructions are available

The instructions for upgrading the Distributed Cache Microservice (DCM) were added to the Interactive Upgrade Guide.
Rational DOORS Next Generation Repair unreferenced versions of artifacts

After you upgrade the Requirements Management server and before you start it, run the repairUnreferencedVersions repository tools command to ensure that unreferenced versions of artifacts do not exist in the Jena index files.

If the repair utility finds errors and repairs them, run the reindex repository tools command to reindex the index files. For details, see the Interactive Upgrade Guide.
Rational Quality Manager (Db2) Increase the Db2 configuration settings for large repositories

If you have a large Quality Management repository with millions of artifacts, you can increase the Db2 configuration settings to ensure successful data migration.

To increase the configuration settings, open a Db2 command window and enter the following commands:

db2 update db cfg for QM using APPLHEAPSZ 60000
db2 update db cfg for QM using LOGFILSIZ 4096
db2 update db cfg for QM using LOGPRIMARY 50
db2 update db cfg for QM using LOGSECOND 100

Note: These examples are for a repository with approximately ten million artifacts. Adjust the values according to the size of your data repository.
Run statistics on the Db2 database

In Db2, the runstats utility updates statistics on the physical characteristics of a table and its associated indexes. These characteristics include the number of records, the number of pages, and the average record length. The optimizer uses these statistics to determine access paths to the data. Call this utility if a table has had many updates or after you reorganize a table in a large-scale Quality Management application database.

To run the runstats utility, open a Db2 command window and enter the following commands:

db2 connect to qm
db2 runstats on table "REPOSITORY"."VERSION" with distribution and detailed indexes all
db2 disconnect qm
Rational Quality Manager (Oracle) Increase the temporary table space in Oracle for large repositories

If you have a large Quality Management application repository with millions of artifacts, the default temporary QM_TEMP table space is not sufficient to handle the temporary files. To avoid issues, you must add an additional temporary table space. To create an additional temporary table space, open a SQL *Plus window, log in as SYSTEM or SYSDBA, and enter the following command:

alter tablespace QM_TEMP add tempfile 'ORACLE_BASE/oradata/CLMDB/QM_TEMP2.DBF' size 20m reuse autoextend on next 1m maxsize unlimited;

In the command, QM_TEMP is the temporary table space name, ORACLE_BASE is the absolute path where Oracle is installed, CLMDB is the database name, and QM_TEMP2.DBF is the additional temporary file name that you want to create.
Rational Quality Manager Maximize upgrade performance and execution for the Quality Management application

If you have a large Quality Management repository with millions of artifacts, you can minimize upgrade time and maximize upgrade performance by adding the following Java system variables to the repotools-qm script file:

Number of threads for migrating the version table records
You can increase the number of threads for migrating the version table records. The default value is 30.
Example: set DEFINE=%DEFINE% -Dcom.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.AbstractDatabaseService.ThreadPoolCount4MigratingVTables="40"

Thread timeout duration
You can also set the timeout duration for thread execution in hours . The default value is 12 hours.
Example: set DEFINE=%DEFINE% -Dcom.ibm.team.repository.service.internal.rdb.AbstractDatabaseService.ThreadTimeoutHours4MovingRecords="16"

Default heap size
For large repositories, the default heap size in the repotools-qm file is too small. To avoid issues during an upgrade, you must increase the heap size to 8 GB (up to a maximum of 24 GB). To increase the heap size, in the repotools-qm file, search for this value: default_mx_size and increase its value to set VMARGS=%VMARGS% -Xmx8G.
New repository tools command for database partitioning

If your database supports partitioning, you can optionally partition the primary internal database table that stores configuration data by the underlying database. Partitioning can provide better performance and scalability if there is a large amount of configuration data in a configuration-enabled system.

To enable partitioning, use the new -partitioning repository tools command. You should enable partitioning only if you have a large amount of configuration data and your underlying database supports partitioning. For details, see Repository tools command to partition the database tables.
Rational Team Concert client for Eclipse IDE To upgrade, the Eclipse version must be the same in both versions of Rational Team Concert

To upgrade the Rational Team Concert client for Eclipse IDE by using the Update feature of IBM Installation Manager, the Eclipse versions of both instances of Rational Team Concert must be the same. Otherwise, you cannot upgrade the Eclipse client and you must install a new version of Eclipse. For example, Rational Team Concert 6.0.5 supports Eclipse 4.2, and Rational Team Concert 6.0.6 supports Eclipse 4.4 and 4.6. As a result, if you upgrade from version 6.0.5 to version 6.0.6 or later, you must install a new Eclipse client.
Report Builder Report export to Microsoft Excel with more than 5000 records might be truncated

For, a Report Builder report exported to Microsoft Excel exports a maximum of 5000 records by default. If you have a larger set of records, the report might be truncated. You can modify this on the server to change the default behavior. For more information, see Limiting the number of Excel records in a report.
SQL Server

Rational Quality Manager with configuration management enabled requires testing before production

If you use Microsoft SQL Server as your database, and Rational Quality Manager has configuration management enabled and includes a large number of artifacts or test results, conduct performance regression testing before you deploy Rational Quality Manager in a production environment.

Security Enable host header validation

It is possible for a user to embed malicious JavaScript into the host header of a CLM application. To avoid this problem, you can enable host header validation on the CLM server. For more information, see Security considerations for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management.
Specify additional host names for the host header validation

For complex environments, you might want to set up a whitelist that includes additional host name aliases. Otherwise, if you attempt to connect to a server with a host name that is not in the whitelist, you receive a 400 Bad Request HTTP error. You must specify all required host names, other than the default ones such as localhost,, ::1, the server's actual host name, the server's actual IP address (both IPV4 and IPV6 formats), and the configured public URI, as a system property in the whitelist.

To set up a whitelist , you can add a Java system property to the server.startup file for WebSphere Liberty or Apache Tomcat, or add a custom property in WebSphere Application Server with a comma-separated list of host names as the value. For details, see Security considerations for the Rational solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management and IoT CE Solution.
Upgrade Full-text search indexes must be rebuilt when you upgrade to or later

In the release, the Apache Lucene full-text search engine was upgraded to a more recent version. This upgrade requires all existing full-text search indexes that were created in 6.0.6 or earlier to be rebuilt. Full-text search indexes must be rebuilt for both the CLM servers and the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse IDE.

Typically, when you upgrade an installation by using the upgrade scripts, the full-text search indexes from the earlier installation are copied to the new installation. However, the upgrade scripts in and later do not copy previous indexes from version 6.0.6 or earlier (including interim fixes). Instead, the new server automatically rebuilds the indexes in the background after you start it. Results of full-text searches might be incomplete until the reindexing operation is finished; the progress of the reindex is periodically written to the server log file.

Alternatively, instead of allowing the server to rebuild full-text search indexes online, you can rebuild them manually by running the repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command after the upgrade is complete, but before you start the server, where <app> is one of am, ccm, or qm. Note that reindexing might be a lengthy process and can take many hours for a large database. In the web client, a system alert in the banner states that reindexing is in progress.

If you follow a manual upgrade procedure instead of running the upgrade scripts, you must ensure that the full-text indexes are not copied from the old installation to the new installation. If the new installation is configured to use the same full-text index location as the old installation (the value of the com.ibm.team.fulltext.indexLocation property in the old and new teamserver.properties file is the same absolute path name), you must either run the repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command before you start the server, or delete the contents of the folder at that location before you start the server. You might want to preserve the old contents if you decide to abandon the upgrade and roll back to the previous release.

If an application is clustered, the offline reindexing procedure (using repotools) or the online procedure (ensuring that the full-text index folder is empty before starting the server) must be performed on each node in the cluster.

The Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse maintains a local full-text search index for the Team Artifact History view. When you upgrade the Rational Team Concert Client for Eclipse to version or later, the full-text search index is automatically deleted, which means the artifact history is cleared and will accumulate artifacts again after the upgrade.

For CLM servers, complete one of these steps:
  • For online background indexing, no action is required except to ensure that the full-text index folder is empty before you start the server
  • For offline indexing before you start the server, run the appropriate repotools-<app> -rebuildTextIndices command.
Not all applications support the -noResumePrompt command in the upgrade script

Previously, the documentation stated that you can use the -noResumePrompt command in a silent upgrade for all applications. The following applications do not support the -noResumePrompt command:
  • Jazz Reporting Service
  • Rational Rhapsody Design Manager
  • Rational Engineering Lifecycle Manager
  • Data Collection Component
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