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Report on Estimated vs Actual

V Niranjan (12545374) | asked Jan 11 '13, 5:12 a.m.

I am using a Formal Template.

I have few Tasks  where I have updated the Estimate and Time Spent field.

For e.g if for a Task work Item Estimate field is set to 6hrs and Time Spent is updated with 8hrs. I am not able to see the report in the RTC Dashboard by adding the widget Estimated vs Actual.

Any idea on how to get this report?


Lauren Hayward Schaefer commented Jan 11 '13, 6:47 a.m.

Can you explain what you mean by not being able to see the report?  Is the graph empty?  Are you getting an error message?

If you run the report by going to Report > Shared Reports, does the report load correctly?

I'm not sure if the Estimated vs Actual report requires that the data collection jobs be run, but you may want to try running the jobs and then see if the report displays as you would expect.

Ralph Schoon commented Jan 11 '13, 10:28 a.m.

Lauren, we chatted on ST.. The graph is empty. The reason probably being that there was no category associated to a team area, hence no work item associated to a team area. Parameters were not selectable etc. It is not solved completely yet, but looks as one of the situations that have discussed here several times already, where the process and data is not configured in a way that the widget would get input.

4 answers

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Mike Pawlowski (6861) | answered Jan 15 '13, 2:08 p.m.
Ralph is correct.
The user needs to associate a work item category with a team area.
Also, the user must run a data warehouse snapshot *after* updating the work item category and creating the necessary work item related data.

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V Niranjan (12545374) | answered Jan 19 '13, 9:17 p.m.
Hi All

I did associate  category to team area but the graph is still blank. I tried with JKE Banking sample and gives the same result.

I did run the data warehouse snapshot and then tried but still the report does not show up.

Please let me know.


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Rajat Singh (59833545) | answered Jan 20 '13, 2:02 a.m.
Hi Niranjan

Could you please check and confirm if the Quality Management Datawarehouse jobs passed?

Best Regards

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V Niranjan (12545374) | answered Jan 21 '13, 4:51 a.m.
Hi Rajat

I just ran the Quality Management Datawarehouse  and re-ran the report but I get the following message.

No work items with estimates and time spent data were found.

Please let me know.


Rajat Singh commented Jan 21 '13, 6:43 a.m.

Hi Niranjan

What I am basically looking at is the results of the datawarehouse jobs.
When you run the datawarehouse jobs, are they showing as passed?

Could you check this for both RQM and RTC and also try running Full repository jobs for both these applications.

Best Regards

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