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RTC server API/ client API?

seyoung kim (3710) | asked Nov 18 '12, 10:01 p.m.
my name is seyoung
i'm studing RTC API
now i have plainJava document
but i don't search server-api
like as, so on...
do you have documentation of server-api???
i hope study detailed server-api
help me plz..

Accepted answer

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sam detweiler (12.5k6195201) | answered Nov 18 '12, 10:18 p.m.
there is no Javadoc for the server classes..   many of the classes are very similar to client classes..

typically the classes are designed

server or service
seyoung kim selected this answer as the correct answer

seyoung kim commented Nov 19 '12, 1:45 a.m.

 Thank you very much~sam detweiler

I realized that there is no Javadoc
So i was wondering if i have server-api problem(code error, syntax) (related on server, service....), 
have I only one solution such as search??

2 other answers

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seyoung kim (3710) | answered Nov 18 '12, 10:26 p.m.
edited Nov 18 '12, 10:33 p.m.
Thank you very much~sam detweiler
I realized that there is no Javadoc
So i was wondering if i have server-api problem(code error, syntax) (related on server, service....), 
have I only one solution such as search??

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Ginny Ghezzo (33311117) | answered Nov 19 '12, 4:17 p.m.
Seyoung Kim,
You might take a look at the article Jim Ruehlin wrote on Extending RTC :

Depending on what you want to do,  I would highly recommend spending time studying OSLC.  There is a workshop that might be helpful:

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