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CLM 4.0 with Active Directory 2003

Robert Thompson (31274) | asked Oct 25 '12, 1:09 p.m.
I've got CLM 3.0 currently installed and want to move to 4.0, but the system requirements state AD 2008 is required.  Can I use CLM 4.0 on a Windows Server 2008 with AD 2003?

3 answers

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Joseph Mao (440189) | answered Oct 25 '12, 8:25 p.m.
Personally I use rtc 4.0 and ad 2003, not facing any problem, but my user/group structure is not a complex one.

If it is enterprise level usage, better to upgrade to AD 2008, so that you can get official support.

Krzysztof Kaźmierczyk commented Apr 11 '13, 2:54 a.m.

I agree with Joseph. Here is list of officially supported identity management systems for the latest CLM:

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John Henry Samaniego (11) | answered Apr 30 '13, 1:17 a.m.
 I want to confirm this if this is correct or not, I know the identity management supported is 2008 but I want to confirm if this fully functional for CLM 4.0(CLM4.0 + 2003 AD).

I have an implementation and the only AD they have is 2003 and I really can't say to the client that they need to upgrade to 2008 AD.

If this is the case that it is not supported, is there any other way I can authenticate the users without AD?

Lily Wang commented Apr 30 '13, 2:02 a.m.

Hi, to use non-AD users authentication,

- if the application server is Tomcat, you can use "Tomcat User database" and create users in jts admin page directly.

- if the application server is Websphere, you can use "Federated Repository" to manage users in WAS.

Please see the instruction in and also discussion in

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Chidambaram L (23414287) | answered Nov 21 '13, 9:43 p.m.

I have the same client situation here.
Client uses AD 2003 and CLM 4.0.2. Is there any way to fetch the password from the AD 2003.

- Chidambaram

Joseph Mao commented Nov 21 '13, 10:38 p.m.

 password does not save in CLM repository.  When login, app server (either Tomcat or WAS here) connect to AD to do authentication.

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