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Adding prefix string to work Items summary in Bulk

Zachary K (19354339) | asked Oct 23 '12, 9:49 a.m.
edited Oct 23 '12, 10:02 a.m.
I need to append a string to a set of work items summary and/or replace a string pattern in the work items summary string. Is there an  easy way to do this using a work item query?. 
 There is the bulk update in the query UI but I don't see a replace string. Any ideas are welcome.
Thanks in advance.

2 answers

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Joshua Giangrande (2621216) | answered Oct 23 '12, 2:43 p.m.
Hi Z K,

In the web UI you can click "Add Attribute Change," select summary, and input new summaries there for multiple work items. However, I don't see anything suggesting you can modify/add to a summary without blowing the old one away. Is using the API an option? It should be relatively easy to pull the work items you want to modify (based on work item number, contents of the summary field, etc), append and/or find/replace words as needed to the summary, and save the work item.

- Josh

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Zachary K (19354339) | answered Oct 23 '12, 4:17 p.m.
I know about the bulk update in the query UI but I need to keep the old summary... I was wondering if there was an easy way to update the names without having to resort to a plugin dev using the API.

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