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How to generate reports at Test Scripts Level in RQM?

Pragati Shrestha (27269) | asked Oct 22 '12, 9:16 a.m.

I want to generate report that list out test scripts with its detailed steps. I didn't see any RQM reports providing that functionality. Also, the querying capacity is very limited in RQM. Could anyone please help in this regard?

We have been maintaining all the steps in excel to report to our product owners. This has been a highly cumbersome process, because we have to maintain and update at both places; in excel and RQM. It would be very helpful if anyone could help us find ways to pull out such reports from RQM.


4 answers

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Rajat Singh (59833545) | answered Oct 23 '12, 3:53 a.m.

Hi Pragathi

You may generate a print pdf report for the intended test script.
Open the desired test script and click on the icon.
This should generate a pdf report at the step level for that particular test script.

Hope this helps!!!

Best Regards

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Pragati Shrestha (27269) | answered Nov 15 '12, 3:53 p.m.

Thanks Rajat for your answer.

That will generate one pdf for every test script. I need a way to generate report with multiple test scripts in same file (preferably excel file).


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Vincent Leon (3468) | answered Mar 26 '13, 3:28 p.m.
 This is a good question. Pragati, if you have found a solution for this please let us know. Can admins help?

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Radha Sastrigal (111322) | answered Oct 18 '13, 11:45 a.m.


Any recent update on suggestions for this ability to generate report for multiple Test Scripts?

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