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INSIGHT: Where I could find info on ETL job scheduling?

Timur Markunin (6495166146) | asked Oct 11 '12, 11:49 a.m.

I'm failed to find article on how I could schedule ETL jobs. Maybe someone could post the link or steps description?
I'm using Insight 1.1.

-thanks in advance

Accepted answer

permanent link
Jared Russell (1.3k12019) | answered Oct 11 '12, 11:52 a.m.
  • In data manager publish the jobstream you want to schedule via Actions -> Publish Data Movement Task (you will need to do Actions -> Login As first)
  • The job will get published to the dataMovementTasks folder in Insight
  • Schedule the published job in the Insight web-app

Timur Markunin selected this answer as the correct answer

One other answer

permanent link
Kurtuluş YILDIRIM (5559) | answered Oct 11 '12, 12:00 p.m.
We tried and have received following message when trıed to publısh fact buıld as a data movement task:
DM-CST-0110 Data Manager CST Interface Error (BIBusTKException - 14): DM_CST_ObjectExists

CCL-BIT-0014 The following HTTP Content-Length header is malformed:
Content-Length: 0

<Exception Name="BIBusTKException" Error="14" Severity="Error"><Messages><Message Name="CCLMessage" File="cclbitmsgs" Severity="Error" Nesting="0" ><MessageText>CCL-BIT-0014 The following HTTP Content-Length header is malformed:</MessageText></Message><Message Name="CCLMessageString" File="" Severity="Error" Nesting="0" ><MessageText>Content-Length: 0</MessageText></Message></Messages><TraceInfo><Trace Text="../Session/CSTHelper.cpp(2269): BIBusTKException: CCL_RETHROW: CSTHelper::logonAsAnonymous" /><Trace Text="../Session/CSTSendSoap.cpp(154): BIBusTKException: CCL_RETHROW: CSTSendSoap::send()" /><Trace Text="BITKMessageReader.cpp(207): BIBusTKException: CCL_RETHROW: BITKMessageReader::openEnvelope" /><Trace Text="BITKHTTPParser.cpp(361): BIBusTKException: CCL_THROW: BITKHTTPParser::processHeader" /></TraceInfo></Exception>

Any ıdeas?

Jackie Albert commented Nov 08 '12, 12:25 p.m.

This issue is usually due to an incorrect Dispatcher URL in your Cognos Configuration,  so I would recommend that you check the URL, restart Data Manager, and try again.

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