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Define/control which users/role(s) can change change to a specific state of work items?

Xiaoguang Ning (51277) | asked Aug 10 '12, 11:16 p.m.

Is there a way to define who (user or role) can change the state of work items to a specific state?

For example, only user1, user 2 or role "QATester" can change testing defects to "Closed" state.

Thanks and Regards

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Christophe Lucas (86234948) | answered Aug 11 '12, 7:58 a.m.
You can define which Role can trigger which workflow action here:
Project Area - Process Configuration tab - Team Configuration - Permissions (click 'Show all actions and roles') - Work Items - Save Work Item (server) - Trigger a workflow action ... click only those Roles which you want able to e.g. Close a Defect.
(not sure you can further define this at specific user level)

David Olsen commented Aug 13 '12, 4:50 p.m.

You can't have different permissions based on whether or not a user created the work item. There is no way to say the equivalent of "allow this for a certain role plus the creator of the work item." The permissions for "Everyone" truly means everyone. If you want to restrict a certain state transition to a certain role, then you have turn off the permission for the "Everyone" role.

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