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RTC SVN intergration by linking work item to Subversion repositories

Raymond Bai (1111) | asked Aug 07 '12, 11:48 a.m.
 Hi everyone,
I am trying to integrate RTC with SVN, below is the problem I have enconter.
I am using rtc 4.0, VirsualSVN server 2.5.4, Eclipse Indigo, Subclipse 1.8.x, I am following the online help on section( work item to Subversion repositories。 I am able to complete the first step:To link a Jazz repository to a Subversion repository.  However I am not able to follow the second step:To link a Subversion revision to a work item. 
1. In the Eclipse Navigator view (or any Eclipse view that supports Team operations), right-click a Subversion project and click Properties.(I am not able to see any useful info under Properties page.)
2. On the Jazz Work Items page, select your Jazz repository from the list, and click OK. This adds Subversion bugtraq properties to the project, which support linkage with work items. This addition results in an outgoing change to the project (you might need to right-click the project and click Team > Update or Refresh to make the outgoing change visible in the IDE).  (I am not able to find repository from the list, where is it?)

can anyone give me some hints on this,  thanks a lot.

Raymond Bai

Accepted answer

permanent link
siba guha (2664) | answered Sep 25 '12, 7:54 a.m.
I managed to get the links working .
Windows->Show View-> SVN-> SVN Repositories
Checkout the SVN Repository
Open Package Explorer
Windows->Show View->Java->Package Explort erc
Project ->right click->properties->Jazz WorkItem-> select Jazz repository

Ralph Schoon selected this answer as the correct answer

2 other answers

permanent link
siba guha (2664) | answered Sep 24 '12, 10:41 a.m.
I also got stuck in the same place. Documentation is insufficient and not clear. Request to include a screen shot. Thanks. spguha

permanent link
Mohamed Samatar (131126) | answered Sep 12 '14, 10:57 p.m.

I also got stuck in the same place. Documentation is insufficient and not clear

we are using the Eclipse Kepler 4.3 with TortoiseSVN 1.8.0  svn version is 1.8

and JTS server 4.0.6

the eclipse IDE extension (4.0.6) that I download  does has any instruction.


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