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Error Installing Rational Insight 1.1 on zLinux Red Hat 5.6

Anderson Oliveira Pinto (1701818) | asked Aug 02 '12, 4:16 p.m.
I'm trying install Rational Insight 1.1 on zLinux with Red Hat 5.6 and when the installation manager is running the error "crima1023e" is showed.


You can not create a symbolic link  " /opt/ibm/.RationalInsight/etl/odbc/lib/ ". The directory contained " /opt/ibm/.RationalInsight/etl/odbc/lib/ " must exist before the symlink can be created."

I think that the Installation Manager would automatically create this directory, but this doesn't happen.

I tried to create this directory manually, but doesn't work.

Someone can help me please ?

Accepted answer

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Michael Fox (61643) | answered Aug 06 '12, 10:01 a.m.
Insight 1.1 does not support Red Hat on System/z, so I doubt its ever been tried or tested.  Red Hat Linux is supported on x86 systems only.


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2 other answers

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Anderson Oliveira Pinto (1701818) | answered Aug 06 '12, 10:25 a.m.
Hi Mike, thanks for reply.

Do you know if there is a plan to support zLinux in a near future ?

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Michael Fox (61643) | answered Aug 06 '12, 10:49 a.m.
Sorry, but no, there isn't.  If this is very important to you, you can submit an Enhancement request for this platform.  However, I believe some of the other components that Insight depends on are not supported on zLinux.  Therefore, it may not be totally within the Insight team's area.

Note that RRDI (a reporting component for CLM and essentially a subset of Insight) is supported on SUSE Linux on System/z.  RRDI does not support Red Hat on System/z either. 

Anderson Oliveira Pinto commented Aug 06 '12, 1:27 p.m.

I will submit an Enhancement request.

Thanks a lot !

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