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Mansi Garg (147) | asked Jul 24 '12, 12:42 a.m.

A customer is facing an issue while trying to add a doc file to RTC,. The error they are facing is

CRJAZ14841 Your account does not belong to the groups that are authorized to access the Web UI. Please contact the server administrator. I have checked the CAL and Process Roles. They seem to be fine.

Any ideas anyone

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Ralph Schoon (63.3k33646) | answered Jul 24 '12, 2:57 a.m.

the user needs to be in a repository role e.g. JazzUsers/JazzAdmins etc. This is apparently not the case here. The CAL and Roles don't give you access to RTC, if you are in no repository group.

How cou get the role depends on the Authentication in use. With LDAP there is a property to do the group mapping. In tomcat without LDAP an admin needs to check the repository role in the user editor.

Mansi Garg commented Jul 25 '12, 1:52 a.m.

The user is already in the JazzUsers group. Any other ideas?

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